General Discussions > Revolution



Should athletes make political statements on the field?

I am not sure how I completely feel about this, but I do like the statement that John Carlos and Tommy Smith made in '68.

I am conflicted a little on this one.....I absolutely support athletes' right to make political statements, so long as the story remains the actual sporting event. Trouble is, the statement almost always ends up overshadowing the sporting event.

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I don't know how I feel about it. I mean...I don't think it's that big a deal. A lot of people get mad at celebrities for using their fame to promote a cause or what ever. I guess if I were more involved in it, I'd have a stronger feeling one way or the other. I'm a bit embarrassed by my apathy now. :-\

I am with you guys on my position on this:  I don't know my position.

Those '68 games seem to have been a time for it though.  The World needed to see that the U.S. was not living up to it's creed.

To me athletes do make statements all the time though.  That Nike label says that sweatshop labor is ok.  McDonalds' commercials say "Eat shitty food kids."  (Yes...I know the flaws in that statement.)

However it seems that times have changed, and the kind of thing done in '68 just doesn't seem like it would be effective in any way today.


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