Rock Music of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and the 21st Century > NBM- Non-Beatles Music

Question for you musicians

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2 of 3:
I mean, how difficult is it to play that bass line and sing at the same time.  :o

I reckon if you have played it for thirty years, it'd get pretty easy, but that looks hella difficult to me...

2 of 3:
Yeah, it's got a Silly Love Songs thing going on. Though, Paul only has one note to sing over his bass line.

Are there any other examples of " how does he sing and play that at the same time" ?

A whole bunch of Rush tunes fall under this category....

This is the bass part to a Police tune.
We used to play it, and I had to sing much of it. 
The part from 1:30 to 1:43 is one of the hardest thing Ive ever played and sung at the same time because of the weird timing of both.  The didn't match at all.


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